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Thooyamalli Rice is well known for its unique fragrance. Thooyamalli Rice improves digestion, its anti-ageing properties helps us look young and energetic.

This rice suits for all age groups, prevents and cures diabetics. Thooyamalli Rice can be used to make many recipes , just like normal Ponni rice.

As the name indicates in Tamil, Thooyamalli is Thuya (Pure) + Malli (Jasmine), pure jasmine.
The reason why pure Jasmine was given to this type of rice is just because of its resemblance of the bud of Jasmine flower.

Alternative Names: Thooyamalli rice| Raw Rice | Pure Jasmine Rice

Package Dimensions : 0 x 0 x 0cm; 1000kg
Manufacturer : GST
Item Weight : 1015kg
Net Quantity : 1000kg
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